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A working professional and Mom,a want-to-be full time writer and modern day Alice in Wonderland who's always "A Little Mad Here"...

Friday, January 19, 2018

Those Seismic Shifts and the Theraputic Properties of Electronic Ink

This quote, from one of my favorite writers, brings me particular comfort today - a day when I feel out of sorts, like a ship that has suddenly broke from its mooring in an increasingly agitated sea.

I have always found my balance through writing. It has brought me closure and peace more readily than any hour spent on a therapist couch. Sometimes I feel like I have a nest of bees inside, an angry buzzing colony of secrets and the only thing that brings me serenity is to write. I have often used electronic ink to battle back my anxiety and plaguing doubts. There are things however, that I can not put to paper and because I can not, I carry them with me always. Grief, guilt, anger, shame...these things all bare a particular weight in one's heart. Still, I do the best I can, even on those days when I feel the shifting seismic plates of fate beneath my feet.

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